Wednesday, July 22, 2009


MANISTEE - - - Local health and human service agencies in Manistee County recently got together to consider a Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program grant opportunity. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 dollars are available to Manistee County through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA).
"This will be a true collaborative effort," said Judy Crockett, Coordinator of the Manistee County Human Services Collaborative Body (HSCB). "We do not have a single agency in a position to apply for and administer this grant. Our agencies have come together to share in the responsibility."
The grant can bring in $65,000 of ARRA stimulus dollars to help prevent homelessness in Manistee County. Throughout Michigan, communities including Manistee County are committed to ending homelessness in ten years. This funding holds the promise of being the catalyst to support the creation of new programs to address homelessness through prevention and rapid rehousing which will result in a significant decrease in shelter usage.
Members of Manistee County's Continuum of Care housing group will write the grant and provide the case management to individuals who are served through this program. If awarded, the grant will provide dollars over two years.
The Manistee County HSCB is dedicated to improving the quality of life of our communities by maximizing collaboration, mobilizing support, and providing leadership in identifying community needs and seeking creative, dynamic, efficient and effective solutions. For more information contact the HSCB at

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